Let Us Prep for You

Let Us Prep for You

Who doesn't want to be in shape?  No, really.  Think about it.  We all want to be in our best shape and health, but why are so many of us not?  Most of us know how to eat healthy, know we need frequent exercise, but we just have a tough time applying and acting out that knowledge.  Let me offer some tips to help keep you from falling of that goal wagon this time:

1.  Keep your home stocked with healthy foods.  I'm talking healthy meals prepped (whether you do it yourself or order) and healthy, convenient snacks to fill the gaps between meals

2.  Stay hydrated.  Most of us would feel worlds better if we simply drank more water.

3.  Keep your home free of foods that you are prone to binge on.  Until you can have a healthy relationship with certain foods, maybe you should put some boundaries up and keep them out of the house.

4.  Set up exercise dates.  Whether with yourself or a good friend, plug it in your calendar and give it #1 priority as if those exercise days were your wedding day.  Ok?  Ok.

5.  If you are going to have a more decadent meal go out for it.  This way portions are served and leftovers aren't left for days to derail you.

Don't make it complicated.  Don't overthink it.  Certainly, don't procrastinate it.  You only get one body, now go take care of it.


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